Saturday, November 9, 2019
Forced jubilation took over the streets of Tehran this week. Monday marked the 40th anniversary of the infamous and illegal takeover of the US Embassy...a pivotal event in the Iranian Islamic Revolution. (NOTE: Forty is an important milestone in the Islamic world. The Prophet Muhammad was exactly forty years old when he met the Angel Gabriel.) While February 11th remains the official national "Victory Holiday," November Fourth is also popular, mostly due to its Anti-American basis.
For our younger readers, here's a quick recap of the Iranian Revolution: Since 1925, Persia was ruled by the Pahlavi Dynasty. (NOTE: The word 'Iran' is 'Persia' in Farsi. In 1935 the change became official) The shahs were stinking rich, thanks to the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Over time, the royals adopted wealthy Western customs and strayed away from Islam. In 1979, the Shah was caught off-guard when an Islamic Revolution ousted him on February 11th. The US refused to recognize the new regime. Tensions boiled over in November, when extremists forcibly took the American Embassy in Tehran and held 52 US citizens as hostages.
Initially, the Iranian Revolution succeeded in the goal of more equitable wealth distribution. Iran is the world's second largest petroleum there is a lot of cash! However, every historial will tell you: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Forty years after the Revolution, average Iranians are wondering where the oil profits are going. In response, the mullahs just continue the spew revolutionary rhetoric and stage celebratory events like the one in Tehran this week.
Let's review how the Islamic Republic of Iran commemorates a 'Holy Day.' Things get started early in the morning. Thousands of people gather at the elaborate tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini. The fiery leader spearheaded the movement and is revered today. Next, the masses of people march down to Azadi (Freedom) Square. Enormous speakers blare a speech by the current leader, Hassan Rouhani. It culminates with the singing of Fajr ballads and a feast of delicious lamb dishes.
The Iranian government makes it impossible to know the opinions of everyday people. There are no daily CNN polls rating the Ayatollah's job approval. Yet it would seem impossible for the recent US sanctions and the drastic fall of the Rial NOT to effect the lives on Iran's enormous lower-middle class. Armed with the Internet, they could easily stage a similar "Revolution" and return Persia to riches again. In fact, Iran is overdue for regime change. Look at the numbers! There was one in: 1902, 1925, 1953, 1979 and...
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