Friday, June 14, 2019
For the second year in a row, Pope Francis held a closed-door meeting with some Big Oil CEO's. On Friday, British Petroleum's Bob Dudley and ENI's Claudio de Scalzi were the among the papal guests at the session. What were they talking about? In short, the Vatican wants a "radical energy transition" to cleaner and safer resources. Francis is worried Global Warming will eventually destroy all of God's wondrous creations on earth. He is also concerned that the poorest people on the planet are paying too much for petroleum and wants more equitable distribution.
Finally! Someone influential has the guts to stand up to the Big Oil Executives. Let's face it: No politician will talk about the CEO salaries at Mobil-Exxon or Chevron. One exception was Mexican President Lazaro Cardenas. In 1940, he boldly declared that all natural resources under the ground belong to the people of Mexico. He ordered BP and Shell out of the nation, instantly nullifying all contracts. A flood of international lawsuits and sanctions were enacted, yet few stuck. World War II soon erupted and made the US and UK extremely thirsty for oil. In 1941, trade resumed.
To replace the international corporations, Cardenas created Pemex, a government-run oil company. Here's the fantastic part: Instead of having a few white males earning $100 billion a year, the massive petroleum profits would be given back to the people. Crazy, huh? Some of the revenue is spent maintaining roads, others for public transportation. For example, of the world's ten largest subway systems, the Mexico City Metro's toll of five pesos (25 cents) is by far the lowest. We could do this in the US!! Imagine the possibilities. Clean, efficient and affordable subways. Highways without potholes. Bullet trains connecting cities in hours. All without raising taxes.
While the idea of the government interfering in the private sector sounds alarming, the precedent has already been set. Back in 1911 (when the US government was also ran by big business) a stalwart Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil's monopoly was unconstitutional. Although there was public outcry at the time (Socialism! Boo!) the end result was fair to all involved. Rates were lowered, and John D. Rockefeller still managed to eat.
Back to the Pope in Rome. Francis concluded the meeting stating that change is needed to "save our common home." The DUNER BLOG echoes this sentiment. Time and time again, we have pleaded for more equitable wealth distribution in the US and abroad. Politicians need to return to representing the people and not corporations. Everyone agrees: Multi-billionaires have enough money already. Let's quote MacKenzie Bezos, who will give half of her $35.6 billion dollar divorce settlement to charity. "I have a disproportionate amount of money." Enough is enough. Share your wealth, Big Oil!
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