Saturday, April 27, 2019
As always after a confusing presidential election, people turn to the DUNER BLOG for clarity. Comedian Volodymyr Zelensky's stunning victory in the Ukrainian elections on Tuesday has got our mailbox stuffed. Let's get started!
Why all the Trump comparisons? Doug, Des Moines. Like the Donald, Volodymyr had never held a public office prior to being elected to the highest public office. Also like the Donald, Volodymyr gained national fame by starring in a TV show. Both portray themselves as heroic political outsiders, trying to drain the swamps in Kiev and Washington of corruption.
What is the premise of the TV show? Leslie, London. Since its premiere in 2015, 'Servant of the People' has topped the Ukrainian Nielson rankings. Like any great sit-com, it has a wacky plot. Mr. Holoborodko is a High-School history teacher in Kiev. His daily rants about the inept rulers of the Ukraine through out the centuries are secretly recorded by his students. They post it online. One thing leads to another, and the lowly instructor becomes a lowly world leader.
What did Zelensky do before this breakthrough role? Kurt, Cologne. Zelensky was born in 1978, when the Ukraine was still part of the USSR. His father was a professor at Kiev University. At age 17, Volodymyr followed suit and enrolled in the law school. On a whim, he auditioned in a talent competition on campus. He didn't win but was invited to join a comedy troupe. As part of Kvartal, he performed extensively and eventually launched a successful Rom-Com film career. His best-known movies are Love in the Big City and 8 First Dates.
Did he really win the election without campaigning? Doris, Laramie. Just like the character in the show, Zelensky got prodded by social media know...actually run for president, in, like, real-life. A new political party, named after the show, was created. Zelensky was instantly nominated. Yet Servant of the People didn't hold any rallies. Rather, they released video-shorts online. They were more stand-up gags than political speeches. Zelensky did attend one debate with corrupt incumbent Petro Poroshenko. He taunted: "There's no jokes about being president." Zelensky replied: "You're the joke. I'm not your opponent. I'm only here as a result of your mistakes."
What does this win say about the state of the Ukraine? Bill, Dubai. Since the fall of the USSR, the once wealthy, 'bread-basket of Europe' has fallen on lean times. State-run industries and wheat production were transferred to a market economy. Oligarchs filled the vacuum, grabbed the profits and the GDP fell. Since 2000, the Ukraine's population has declined by 10 million people. This figure includes the 3 million folks lost when Russia boldly annexed the Crimea in 2014. Basically, Ukrainians want change and are sick of being known as the poorest and worst-run nation in Europe.
NOTE: According the Ukrainian consulate, it is no longer necessary to use "THE" before "UKRAINE." They also want us to spell "KIEV" as "KYIV." We here at the DUNER BLOG refuse to do either.
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