Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Poor Mount Everest! For many a millennium, he looked down at the rest of the unspoiled world. He saw the lush valley of Kathmandu. He peered over at the slightly smaller peak of Annapurna. All was peaceful and clean. Until one day, these tiny humans began to appear. Unlike all other creatures on the planet, people don't clean up after themselves. Everest gazed in horror as humans destroyed the Kathmandu Valley. Everest gasped in fear when people scaled to the top of Annapurna. Sigh. Even though he is the highest spot in the planet, Mt. Everest knew homo sapiens would someday conquer him too.
That day came in 1953, when Tenzing Norgay and Edmond Hilary first scampered to the summit. The latter planted a Union Jack flagpole into the ground. Ouch! Yet it wasn't all bad. For the next thirty years, attempts were few and far between: Only two hundred other climbers reached the top. Then, in the 1990's, everything changed. Humans developed new technology enabling them to climb higher. Smaller oxygen tanks, stronger clothing and better communications aided to the quest. Since the year 2000, seven thousand people have conquered Mt. Everest...a staggering increase!
At first, Everest found the tenacious humans entertaining. He saw the joy in their hearts when they accomplished the feat. He watched in disbelief when they tripped and fell to their death. (Over 200 people have perished on the steep slopes). Yet regardless of whether they lived or died, all Everest climbers have one trait in common: They litter. See, it's not the environmentalists who want to scale the tallest peak. Rather, it's the thrill-seekers and bucket-listers who desperately need to prove their importance. In short, these climbers are so preoccupied with their task at hand, they don't think twice about their own garbage.
The result is over 200,000 pounds of waste, scattered all over the mountain. It's an assortment of empty oxygen tanks, broken tents, beer bottles and frozen feces. In response, Nepal passed a law stating all climbers must descend with ten kilograms of garbage. Although difficult to monitor, the ordinance sends a clear message. In addition, crews of yaks, Sherpas and helicopters are busy cleaning things up. They empty the brand-new 46 trash cans and three toilets that have been installed. It's just a start, but it's a sign that humans can change.
Today, Everest is a bit happier. He now has an Internet connection and chats with Kilimanjaro and Denali. They commiserate about the crazy humans. They ponder about homo sapiens' insipid motivation to do things the other species on earth don't care about. It's great, but there is one thing that bothers all three. For some reason (NOT GLOBAL WARMING), large sections of the mountains that have always been covered by snow have recently become bare. And on Mt. Everest, this means rotting bodies are now being exposed. Eww! Gross!
So, every animal in the world is clean and friendly to the environment.... Except for humans... Maybe to make leaf-toting liberals happy every human on Earth should just kill themselves. A green planet is a happy planet right? Why do liberals seem to insist that we as humans are unnatural to this planet? We are messy, disgusting animals JUST LIKE any other animal alive today and that has existed in the past. Instead of looking at things as "people are disgusting and we don't clean up after ourselves," try thinking in terms of reality, such as "we are the most advanced form of life that we know of and yes we are messy. But unlike every other animal that's alive today, we have the ability, knowledge, science, and technology to clean up after ourselves, and we typically DO clean up after ourselves when things begin to get out of hand. We are NOT the disgusting creatures that liberals want us to feel ashamed of ourselves for. Quit being a f*ckin pessimist, quit thinking with your emotion rather than your brain. And quit claiming that your site isn't suggesting "green-washing." Because you are.